41 research outputs found

    Intrication temporelle et communication quantique

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    La communication quantique est l'art de transférer un état quantique d'un endroit à un autre et l'étude des tâches que cela permet d'accomplir. Cette thèse présente des avancées technologiques et théoriques appliquées à la communication quantique dans un contexte réaliste avec essais sur le terrain. Ceci a été réalisé à l'aide d'une transmission de l'information quantique par une fibre optique déployée dans un environnement urbain. Les innovations présentées élargissent le champ d'application de l'intrication temporelle à travers l'élaboration de nouvelles méthodes pour manipuler l'encodage temporel, d'un nouveau modèle de caract érisation d'une source de paires de photons, de nouvelles facons d'étudier la non-localité et de l'élaboration et la première réalisation d'un nouveau protocole de pile ou face quantique tolérant aux pertes. Manipulation de l'encodage temporel Le photon unique est un excellent véehicule avec lequel un qubit, l'unité fondamentale de l'information quantique, peut être encodée. En particulier, l'encodage temporel de qubits photoniques est bien adapté à la transmission par fibre optique. Avant les travaux de cette thèse, le champ d'application de cet encodage était limité par l'absence de méthodes réalisant opérations et mesures arbitraires. Nous avons éliminé cette restriction et propose les premières méthodes permettant de réaliser une opération arbitraire et deterministe sur un qubit temporel ainsi qu'une mesure dans une base arbitraire. Nous avons appliqué ces propositions au cas spécifique du calcul quantique basé sur la mesure et sur l'optique linéaire et montré comment réaliser les opérations en aval essentielles à cette approche. Ceci ouvre la voie vers la création d'un ordinateur quantique basé sur l'optique, mais également à de nouvelles tâches en communication quantique. Caractérisation de sources de paires de photons La communication quantique expérimentale nécessite la création de photons uniques et de paires de photons intriqués. Ces deux ingrédients peuvent être obtenus à partir d'une source de paires de photons basée sur un processus non-linéaire spontané. Plusieurs tâches en communication quantique nécessitent une connaissance précise des propriétés de la source utilisée. Nous avons développé et démontré expérimentalement une nouvelle méthode simple et rapide permettant de caractériser une source de paires de photons. Cette méthode est particulièrement bien adaptée à un contexte de transmission sur le terrain où les conditions expérimentales, telles que la transmittance d'un canal, peuvent uctuer, et où la caract érisation de la source doit être faite en temps réel.----------Abstract: Quantum communication is the art of transferring a quantum state from one place to another and the study of tasks that can be accomplished with it. This thesis is devoted to the development of tools and tasks for quantum communication in a real-world setting. These were implemented using an underground optical bre link deployed in an urban environment. The technological and theoretical innovations presented here broaden the range of applications of time-bin entanglement through new methods of manipulating time-bin qubits, a novel model for characterizing sources of photon pairs, new ways of testing non-locality and the design and the rst implementation of a new loss-tolerant quantum coin- ipping protocol. Manipulating time-bin qubits A single photon is an excellent vehicle in which a qubit, the fundamental unit of quantum information, can be encoded. In particular, the time-bin encoding of photonic qubits is well suited for optical bre transmission. Before this thesis, the applications of quantum communication based on the time-bin encoding were limited due to the lack of methods to implement arbitrary operations and measurements. We have removed this restriction by proposing the rst methods to realize arbitrary deterministic operations on time-bin qubits as well as single qubit measurements in an arbitrary basis. We applied these propositions to the specic case of optical measurement-based quantum computing and showed how to implement the feedforward operations, which are essential to this model. This therefore opens new possibilities for creating an optical quantum computer, but also for other quantum communication tasks. Characterizing sources of photon pairs Experimental quantum communication requires the creation of single photons and entangled photons. These two ingredients can be obtained from a source of photon pairs based on non-linear spontaneous processes. Several tasks in quantum communication require a precise knowledge of the properties of the source being used. We developed and implemented a fast and simple method to characterize a source of photon pairs. This method is well suited for a realistic setting where experimental conditions, such as channel transmittance, may uctuate, and for which the characterization of the source has to be done in real time. Testing the non-locality of time-bin entanglement Entanglement is a resource needed for the realization of many important tasks in quantum communication. It also allows two physical systems to be correlated in a way that canno

    Cryptographie quantique à plusieurs participants par multiplexage en longueur d'onde

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    Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal

    Testing nonlocality over 12.4 km of underground fiber with universal time-bin qubit analyzers

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    We experimentally demonstrate that the nonlocal nature of time-bin entangled photonic qubits persists when one or two qubits of the pair are converted to polarization qubits. This is possible by implementing a novel Universal Time-Bin Qubit Analyzer (UTBA), which, for the first time, allows analyzing time-bin qubits in any basis. We reveal the nonlocal nature of the emitted light by violating the Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt inequality with measurement bases exploring all the dimensions of the Bloch sphere. Moreover, we conducted experiments where one qubit is transmitted over a 12.4 km underground fiber link and demonstrate the suitability of our scheme for use in a real-world setting. The resulting entanglement can also be interpreted as hybrid entanglement between different types of degrees of freedom of two physical systems, which could prove useful in large scale, heterogeneous quantum networks. This work opens new possibilities for testing nonlocality and for implementing new quantum communication protocols with time-bin entanglement.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Quantum storage of polarization qubits in birefringent and anisotropically absorbing materials

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    Storage of quantum information encoded into true single photons is an essential constituent of long-distance quantum communication based on quantum repeaters and of optical quantum information processing. The storage of photonic polarization qubits is, however, complicated by the fact that many materials are birefringent and have polarization-dependent absorption. Here we present and demonstrate a simple scheme that allows compensating for these polarization effects. The scheme is demonstrated using a solid-state quantum memory implemented with an ensemble of rare-earth ions doped into a biaxial yttrium orthosilicate (Y2SiO5Y_2SiO_5) crystal. Heralded single photons generated from a filtered spontaneous parametric downconversion source are stored, and quantum state tomography of the retrieved polarization state reveals an average fidelity of 97.5±0.497.5 \pm 0.4%, which is significantly higher than what is achievable with a measure-and-prepare strategy.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, 1 table, corrected typos and added ref. 3

    Experimental certification of millions of genuinely entangled atoms in a solid

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    Quantum theory predicts that entanglement can also persist in macroscopic physical systems, albeit difficulties to demonstrate it experimentally remain. Recently, significant progress has been achieved and genuine entanglement between up to 2900 atoms was reported. Here we demonstrate 16 million genuinely entangled atoms in a solid-state quantum memory prepared by the heralded absorption of a single photon. We develop an entanglement witness for quantifying the number of genuinely entangled particles based on the collective effect of directed emission combined with the nonclassical nature of the emitted light. The method is applicable to a wide range of physical systems and is effective even in situations with significant losses. Our results clarify the role of multipartite entanglement in ensemble-based quantum memories as a necessary prerequisite to achieve a high single-photon process fidelity crucial for future quantum networks. On a more fundamental level, our results reveal the robustness of certain classes of multipartite entangled states, contrary to, e.g., Schr\"odinger-cat states, and that the depth of entanglement can be experimentally certified at unprecedented scales.Comment: 11 pages incl. Methods and Suppl. Info., 4 figures, 1 table. v2: close to published version. See also parallel submission by Zarkeshian et al (1703.04709

    High-detection efficiency and low-timing jitter with amorphous superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors

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    Recent progress in the development of superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors (SNSPDs) made of amorphous material has delivered excellent performances, and has had a great impact on a range of research fields. Despite showing the highest system detection efficiency (SDE) ever reported with SNSPDs, amorphous materials typically lead to lower critical currents, which impacts on their jitter performance. Combining a very low jitter and a high SDE remains a challenge. Here, we report on highly efficient superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors based on amorphous MoSi, combining system jitters as low as 26 ps and a SDE of 80% at 1550 nm. We also report detailed observations on the jitter behaviour, which hints at intrinsic limitations and leads to practical implications for SNSPD performance

    Enhanced heralded single-photon source with a photon-number-resolving parallel superconducting nanowire single-photon detector

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    Heralded single-photon sources (HSPS) intrinsically suffer from multiphoton emission, leading to a trade-off between the source's quality and the heralding rate. A solution to this problem is to use photon-number-resolving (PNR) detectors to filter out the heralding events where more than one photon pair is created. Here, we demonstrate the use of a high-efficiency PNR superconducting nanowire single-photon detector (SNSPD) as a heralding detector for a HSPS. By filtering out higher-order heralding detections, we can reduce the g(2)(0)g^{(2)}(0) of the heralded single photon by (26.6±0.2)%(26.6 \pm 0.2)\,\%, or alternatively, for a fixed pump power, increasing the heralding rate by a factor of 1.363±0.0041.363 \pm 0.004 for a fixed g(2)(0)g^{(2)}(0). Additionally, we use the detector to directly measure the photon-number distribution of a thermal mode and calculate the unheralded g(2)(0)g^{(2)}(0). We show the possibility to perform g(2)(0)g^{(2)}(0) measurements with only one PNR detector, with the results in agreement with those obtained by more common-place techniques which use multiple threshold detectors. Our work shows that efficient PNR SNSPDs can significantly improve the performance of HSPSs and can precisely characterize them, making these detectors a useful tool for a wide range of optical quantum information protocols

    High-efficiency and fast photon-number resolving parallel superconducting nanowire single-photon detector

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    Photon-number resolving (PNR) single-photon detectors are an enabling technology in many areas such as photonic quantum computing, non-classical light source characterisation and quantum imaging. Here, we demonstrate high-efficiency PNR detectors using a parallel superconducting nanowire single-photon detector (P-SNSPD) architecture that does not suffer from crosstalk between the pixels and that is free of latching. The behavior of the detector is modelled and used to predict the possible outcomes given a certain number of incoming photons. We apply our model to a 4-pixel P-SNSPD with a system detection efficiency of 92.5%. We also demonstrate how this detector allows reconstructing the photon-number statistics of a coherent source of light, which paves the way towards the characterisation of the photon statistics of other types of light source using a single detector.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Cluster state quantum computing in optical fibers

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    A scheme for the implementation of the cluster state model of quantum computing in optical fibers, which enables the feedforward feature, is proposed. This scheme uses the time-bin encoding of qubits. Following previously suggested methods of applying arbitrary one-qubit gates in optical fibers, two different ways for the realization of fusion gate types I and II for cluster production are proposed: a fully time-bin based encoding scheme and a combination of time-bin and polarization based encoding scheme. Also the methods of measurement in any desired bases for the purpose of the processing of cluster state computing for both these encodings are explained.Comment: 6 pages, 11 figures, submitted to the Optical Quantum-Information Science focus issue of JOSA

    Fair Loss-Tolerant Quantum Coin Flipping

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    Coin flipping is a cryptographic primitive in which two spatially separated players, who in principle do not trust each other, wish to establish a common random bit. If we limit ourselves to classical communication, this task requires either assumptions on the computational power of the players or it requires them to send messages to each other with sufficient simultaneity to force their complete independence. Without such assumptions, all classical protocols are so that one dishonest player has complete control over the outcome. If we use quantum communication, on the other hand, protocols have been introduced that limit the maximal bias that dishonest players can produce. However, those protocols would be very difficult to implement in practice because they are susceptible to realistic losses on the quantum channel between the players or in their quantum memory and measurement apparatus. In this paper, we introduce a novel quantum protocol and we prove that it is completely impervious to loss. The protocol is fair in the sense that either player has the same probability of success in cheating attempts at biasing the outcome of the coin flip. We also give explicit and optimal cheating strategies for both players.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure; various minor typos corrected in version